07.11.2024 OPENING TO JOBS

emlyon : Two full time open rank positions (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor) in Corporate Finance

emlyon business school invites applications for two research focused positions in Corporate Finance. emlyon is looking for highly motivated candidates with demonstrated research excellence in the mainstream corporate finance or closely related fields. The appointment begins in September 2025.

Teaching opportunities will be at the undergraduate level (BBA), graduate level (Programme Grande Ecole) and the master's level. Teaching-related responsibilities include capabilities to design and manage courses in the areas of corporate finance. Teaching will be delivered mainly at our new campus in Lyon but can also be delivered on the school’s other campuses.

Job Requirement :

emlyon is looking for candidates with the following characteristics:

  • Ph.D. / doctorate degree in finance or related area.
  • Desire to collaborate in a collegial and dynamic research and teaching team.
  • Evidence of research excellence in the field with demonstrated ability to regularly publish in the highest ranked journals of the field (e.g., FT list).
  • An interest in developing collective research projects and raising funds for research.
  • Desire and ability to support junior level researchers and/or supervise doctoral students.
  • Proven capacity to take on courses’ pedagogical responsibilities, including the ability to manage a portfolio of external lecturers.
  • Energy, dynamism, and demonstrated personal/professional ethical values.

Submission Deadline: 5 January 2025