Submission Guidelines

  • Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the BMI website.
  • Provide manuscripts inOpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF format.
  • A submission number will be assigned to each manuscript.
  • Manuscripts must be written in English.
  • Ensure originality; manuscripts must not be under submission or consideration elsewhere.
  • Provide URLs for references where applicable.
  • Use single-spacing, 12-point font, italics for emphasis, and place figures/tables within the text.
  • Follow journal-specific stylistic and bibliographic guidelines.
  • Upload both an anonymous and non-anonymous version.
  • Plagiarism policy allows up to 10%; submit a Turnitin report if possible.
  • Prior publication must be disclosed (certain types are considered prior publication).
  • Authorship disputes should be resolved early; all contributors must be listed.
  • Provide a cover letter with research significance and author details.
  • Include an abstract (<300 words) and 3-10 keywords.
  • Manuscript sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion.
  • Follow APA citation style, references listed alphabetically.
  • Tables, figures, equations, and supplementary material must adhere to specific formatting guidelines.


Publication Ethics

Please follow this link to access our publication ethics rules:




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