Finance is the academic journal of the French Finance Association. Finance welcomes high quality research across all the fields of finance. The journal's scientific scope covers all aspects of finance: management, such as financial modeling or econometrics, national and international market finance, corporate finance and the finance of financial institutions. The articles sought have a strong scientific character: a model of the phenomenon studied or a theoretical analysis of the decision is therefore proposed, and the model is eventually subjected to the empirical tests most likely to invalidate it. In the case of a purely theoretical article, the model must be relevant, rigorous and original. In the case of a predominantly empirical article, statistical and/or econometric methods must be applied with rigor and relevance. Finance also accepts literature reviews, provided that the subject is dealt with in depth, that the presentation is extremely clear and that it constitutes a synthesis of different analyses whose usefulness is indisputable for a demanding reader.
Finance is referenced in various ranking/quality lists of academic journals such as ABDC Journal Quality List, AJG, CNRS, EconLit, FNEGE, HCERES, IBSS (ProQuest), JEL, RePEc, SCIMP, Scopus.
Average review times by decision (calculated from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01 selected by the date of decision):
from first submission to first decision: 74 days
from first submission to final decision: 165 days
ISSN: 0752-6180
ISSN on-line: 2101-0145
Publisher: AFFI
Links to published and forthcoming articles:
>> french platform
>> english platform
Model Comparison in French Stock Returns
AUTHORS : Michael O’Connell
DATE PUBLISHED: 23/09/2024
VOLUME: 2024
Valuing downside risk on international stock markets
AUTHORS: Prince Hikouatcha and Roméo Tédongap
DATE PUBLISHED: 23/09/2024
VOLUME: 2024
Size does matter, as well as sector activities: Systemic Risk Sensitivities of financial firms in the U.S. and European Stock Markets
AUTHORS : Philippe Madiès, Mathis Mourey and Ollivier Taramasco
DATE PUBLISHED: 23/09/2024
VOLUME: 2024
Optimal Portfolio Allocation with Long-Short Strategies: Application to Factor Investing
AUTHORS : Philippe Bertrand and Jean-Luc Prigent
DATE PUBLISHED: 23/09/2024
VOLUME: 2024
How trust shapes the structure of banks
AUTHORS: Frédéric Lobez, Ly Hoang Vu and Jean-Christophe Statnik
DATE PUBLISHED: 23/09/2024
VOLUME: 2024
The Market Timing of Mergers and Acquisitions – Evidence from Ramadan
AUTHORS : Muhammad Farooq Ahmad and Helen Bollaert
DATE PUBLISHED: 23/09/2024
VOLUME: 2024