Registrations close on May 10, 2023.
Fees includes coffee breaks, lunches as well as the gala dinner, except for doctoral and PhD students (whose lower registration fees do not cover the gala dinner). To register and pay please click on the green button in the right-side menu of the conference welcome page "Register now".
Hotel and all other travel-related costs are not included. Please do not forget to book your hotel. Participants are responsible for making their own hotel reservations. To help participants, we provide some information on the 'accommodations' page. Some hotels may offer stays at specially negotiated prices. Please note that the number of rooms is limited. You are strongly advised to book your hotel room as soon as possible.
The registration fees are as below:
Type of Registration |
Received on or before |
Received after |
Non AFFI member | 540€ | 650€ |
AFFI member | 420€ | 540€ |
Ph.D. students | 290€ | 350€ |
Gala dinner for Ph.D. students | 95€ | 95€ |
Gala dinner for accompanying guest* | 115€ | 115€ |
*Seats are limited.
This type of payment is available on Paypal. When making the payment on the Paypal platform, please enter the reference of your article in the section “What’s this payment for” (in English) or “Quelle est la nature du paiement” (in French). This reference starts with "AFFI2023-" and is visible from your access on the conference website.
Note: one registration = one payment.
You will be able to download bank information later in the registration process, after selecting the fee and filling your personal information.
Please enter the reference of your article (Note: this reference starts with "AFFI2023-" and is visible from your access on the conference website) as the reference of your transfer.
Pour les établissements français uniquement, un paiement par "bon de commande" est possible. Le bon de commande peut être envoyé à (merci d'indiquer dans le sujet "bon de commande").
Nom et adresse de l’entité : Groupe Kedge Business School, Domaine de Raba, 680 cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, France
Numéro SIRET/SIREN : 514 005 123 00062
Numéro TVA : FR76514005123
Code APE : 8542Z
RIB: IBAN (FR76 1027 8079 8500 0208 7760 185), SIWFT/BIC (CMCIFR2A).
Merci d'ajouter la référence suivante lors du virement effectué par l'institution : la référence de l'article à présenter sur le site de la conférence (Note : cette référence commence par "AFFI2023-").
For cancellations received by May 15, 2023, the paid participation fees will be fully refunded. No refund will be issued for cancellations made after this date and no refunds will be made for no-shows. The refund will be made by bank transfer and possible bank charges will be for the registrants account. Cancellations and requests for refunds and registration transfers must always be made by email to
The French Finance Association (AFFI) takes big pride in organizing conferences, seminars & working groups and in particular the annual conference of its members.