We are pleased to announce that selected papers, presented at the Conference, will be published in special issues of the following Journals:
The special issue aims to invite submissions of state-of-the-art high-quality articles on topics related to asset pricing and factor investing. The asset pricing literature has identified hundreds of factors capable of capturing sizeable risk premia. The range of ‘successful’ styles that impact asset returns has become so wide that investors are likely to be somewhat bewildered by the possibilities. This special issue, edited jointly with the 2020 conference of the French Finance Association, aims at helping academics and practitioners alike in their search for risk premia and in their asset allocation decisions within and across asset classes. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,
Any paper presented at the conference is eligible for publication in the special issue. The Guest Editors will initially review the papers and decide which papers will go forward for review by two anonymous referees. The General Editors of the Journal have oversight over the final set of papers accepted for publication.
The submission site will be avalaibale later on. You will receive updates by email, also on the webpage, and on the webpage of the journal (link can be found just below).
Please click HERE for more information.
Information on the Special Issue will be updated in due time. However, if you have any inquiry about the special issue, please contact : affi2021@audencia.com
The French Finance Association (AFFI) takes big pride in organizing conferences, seminars & working groups and in particular the annual conference of its members.