The EFD 2022 will be held on Friday, December 16th in the Parisian premises of IPAG (184 Boulevard Saint-Germain). We will have a professional component in the morning and an academic component in the afternoon, ensuring in both cases to promote dialogue between researchers and practitioners.
After a speech by one of the presidents of associations supporting the event, the morning will consist of three one-hour round tables. Each round table will be introduced by an academic expert who will take stock of knowledge on the subject chosen this year. Two to three professional experts will then speak in a debate that will be recorded. As last year, the round tables will focus on themes chosen in consultation with professional associations in the following areas: corporate, markets and investors.
The corporate round table will deal with extra-financial reporting, its contents, international differences , and standards currently under discussion. The markets round table will concern the perception of financial and extra-financial issues by individuals, the associated behavior of individual investors, on the stock market or in terms of savings, particularly for employees. The investors round table will deal with climate impacts, their measurements and responses in terms of investment policy.
The morning will end with the presentation of awards from several professional associations including Af2i and Amafi as well as the prize for the best article submitted to the conference.
The afternoon will be introduced by Sébastien Pouget from Toulouse School of Economics and will continue in parallel sessions where the work of researchers in response to the call on sustainable finance themes selected by the scientific committee of the event will be presented. A special issue of the scientific journal Bankers Markets and Investors will be dedicated to the conference.
The French Finance Association (AFFI) takes big pride in organizing conferences, seminars & working groups and in particular the annual conference of its members.